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Cultivating the Unruly Mind

The Mind of the Inner Man

The mind is one of three major systems of the Inner Man.  The Heart, Mind, and Soul are the real you apart from the physical you or the Outer Man.  Of the three systems, the Mind is literally who we eventually become in life.  The Bible tells us that "As a man thinks, so he is." Proverbs 23:7  

What will the New Heaven and Earth look like?

No matter how I try to imagine the wonders of the new heaven and earth, I know I can't come close.  I can consider the amazing and diverse beauty in this world, and try to imagine it one hundred fold greater, but that doesn't do it justice.  In my writings, I searched out the amazing, infinite power of God.  Not just power, but His purity, wisdom, and creativity.  I try to understand His infinite unlimited resources in all that I see.  In every case, I run into the limits of human understanding.  This still understated video was great as I know that the best eff

The Soul of Man Explained

The Inner Man

After Bible college,  twenty years of ministry, and a lot of study; I wanted to know some of the intimate issues about my existence.  It started with a a two year indepth study about the source of truth.  I ran down many rabbit trails until I felt like I had found some solid answers.  That search is found in The Principal Truth, which is in update now and soon to be released.

God made the Sugar Ants

God's Amazing CreationsWhile making my morning coffee, I saw a couple of sugar ants on the counter.  What strike me is how incredibly small these insect are.  They're harmless, but still a pest of sort.  How can such a small insect have organs, legs, and even a tiny, tiny brain.  These pesky but harmless, tiny creature are just one of a million wonders that should cause us to wonder about the astounding power of God.

God's Open and Shut Policy

God's Open Door Policy

Recently, a business friend and I were working on a project when we came across a piece of property to buy at an excellent price.  After making an initial call, we went to see the property and explore the offer.  His price was fair and he seemed negotiable.  This seemed like a favorable decision, and determined to pursue the deal.

Christian Success is Really Hard to Understand

Universal Law of SuccessWhen I wrote "The Universal Law of Success and Failure", I was batting way out of my league as I daily experience milestones in my own life.  The book was written at a time when I saw a lot of ebb and flow.  It was a time akin to David's up and down life.  He was a shephard boy one day and a g

God has Already the Solution

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.  I Corinthians 10:13

The Purpose of the Thorn

Let me first say that this construct of the Biblical application to our lives was taught to me by Tony Evans.  When we are told the Study to show ourselves approved unto God," this meaning the careful alignment of Biblical teachings to gain the Mind of Christ or how faith itself works.  Such piercing understanding of isolated passages require the context surrounding the verse and other passage that add more depth to our understanding.  This mini-study, I assure you, will be a huge help to every Christian who will at times encounter thorns not knowing why and how


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