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God Looks at the Heart, Where Faith is Formed

Did you know that the Heart, one of the systems of the Inner man, gathers information, judges its value, and produces faith?  Many ask, "How can I have faith?"  Faith is the currency of God, in my opinion.  But, faith, like any currency can be invested wisely or foolishly.  So, if you are looking to grow your faith, you must understand and cultivate the Heart found within the Inner Man.

Proverbs 4:23 is one of the most prominent verses of the Bible though it is only a small statement in the book of Proverbs.  It says, "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life".  In other words, everything of value goes through the Heart.

Another statement is found in Romans 10:10, "Man BELIEVES WITH HIS HEART unto righteousness".  The words "Belief" of "Believes" are synonymous with the word faith.  In Greek "Pistis" means: faith, belief, trust, confidence; fidelity, faithfulness.  So, we are on point here in what must be a clear understanding of a most critical concept.

My study shows me that the Heart is one of three systems of the Inner Man.  They are Heart, Soul, and Mind.   Deuteronomy 6:4-7 in the Old Testament and Matthew 22:37 in the New Testament tell us that we are to love God out of these three parts, so I feel confident that these three systems deserve our primary interest as we look into the concept of faith.

As one who wants to understand how faith works, it has been a pursuit of mine for decades.  But, to make is simple for others, let me say clearly that faith come solely from the Heart and is expressed through our being and lives from the core of our Inner Man.  Without faith, we are constantly struggling with doubts, recriminations, and worries.  Who wants to live that way?  So, a robust faith is not only a healthy virtue but necessary to moving forward on any level.

The Heart should be understood, not as the physical organ in your chest.  It is a major system of the Inner Man, which is the Real You.  The inner Man is understood to be one of three systems of the Inner Man.  The other systems are: Soul and Mind.  Some will ask, "Where is the Spirit of man?"  The Spirit is one of eight known faculties of the Soul.  It is a empty faculty until it is made alive by an encounter with the God of heaven, wherein the Holy Spirit enters with inactive faculty and turns on the light, so to speak.

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