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TPT Institute

The Principal TruthThe Universal Law of Success and Failure is a purposeful open door to anyone seeking to understand the pathway to success at any level of life.  For those who "Want More", The Principal Truth Institute is a learning center that is designed to provide life-changing books and courses that offers amazing and Bible-based training that is not found elsewhere except in disconnected pieces.

The Principal Truth Institute does not offer new and novel information but takes serious the question of Pilate who asked, "What is Truth?"  Frankly, we all want to what truth is, where to find it, and how to make it part of the success plan of our lives.

The Principal Truth Institute is open to all.  The goal is to encourage the truest form of success training that literally starts with understanding truth and how it works in our lives. 

Knowledge the collection of information or data, but many things we learned failed us!  The genius is found in finally discovering how real truth works.  We all KNOW about electricity today, but prior to 1821 about it was a mystery.  We knew about electricity, but didn't know how to use it until centuries later.  

Knowing about something is not as profitable as know how to use it.  The same goes for truth.  Truth is a powerful resource that has no monetary value until we find some reliable information and make use of it.

Truth is the raw ingredient that allows us to succeed in life.  Not just in wealth building, acquisition of power and fame, or manipulating others.  It is given by God to mankind to provide a path forward that may not produce instant results, but always produces a good solution.  

Learn More at The Principal Truth Institute

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