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How to Change Your Life

Change of Heart

When you look back over the last year or several years of you life, do you wince at the many times you made a decision that caused hurt, disappointment, or failure?  We all do.  While we know that we cannot change the past, we can change our futures.  This takes us to how we can actually change our lives other than grit and strength of will.  All lasting and sincere change in life starts with the Heart of the Inner Man.  The Heart is as the data intake process that receives millions of information bites every day.  The Heart will weigh the value of any information.  The Heart determines what to do with any information:

  1. Reject it outright based upon what it already judges as "Without Value"
  2. Evaluates or judges the Truth or Value of the information
  3. If judged worthy, it is added to the many pieces of "Trusted Information"
  4. With feedback from the Spirit and Soul that offers feedback, the Heart will discard bad or mistaken beliefs
  5. The Heart is most healthy and beneficial will the Belief System it has constructed is filled with truthful and reliable beliefs.

We are told: "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.' II Samuel 16:7  Actually, when others truly get to know you, the outward appears is only a minor consideration.  When they "SEee your Heart" that understand you and see who you really are.

Does change actually start in the Heart?  "Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."  Psalm 139:23-24  This is pretty clear that God Himself sees you at the Heart level and not your physical status.

Without getting into detail, change happens when you change what you belief at the Heart level.  The next question may be, "How do I change my Belief System?"  This one element is super important.  The renewed Spirit in a controlling Faculty of the Soul, and the Soul is where we "Practice what we believe.  The Spirit is devoid of power until we place our faith in Jesus Christ and His death on the cross for our sins.  When we confess Jesus Christ and savior (Romans 10:9-10), the Spirit of the Living God enters the inactive faculty to become a powerful influence in our lives.  

He is called "The Spirit of Truth" and is now a teaching and training influence in our lives.  While the Soul is like an R&D system that tests our beliefs in real life practices to feed back results to the Heart.  The Spirit is our direct connection to God.  God uses lessons from His Word and the influence of the Holy Spirit to identify and highlight mistaken beliefs.  The Heart then feels what might be called CONVICTION or DISTRUST of those beliefs and purposes to install a New Belief instead of the one it is ready to discard.

This belief is not fully understood, but it is now part of your Belief System.  We need to promote the practice of this belief even though it feels awkward at first.  The Soul is the R&D real-world interface where we put our beliefs to work.  Some beliefs are strongly trusted.  Some are unsure attempts to do what is best.  Just know that not every good belief is an instant success.  This is a learning and adjusting period.  What you believe is not always convenient or accepted in a sin-compromised world.  However, those who persist in their well-founded beliefs will find a blessing or trun of events that ultimately prove that your good beliefs will always produce a good solution in time.

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