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Why There can only be One God

One God, One Truth, One Hope

The unanswered questions about God is first "That He exists".  Second "Who is He?".  And third, "Which God is the real one?"  At some point in life, or death, these question become very relevant.  The fact of God's existence is not an academic pursuit.  It boils down to a question of faith.  To believe in God, or not.  Faith is a necessity of human existence.  We need to believe in something, but faith can be misplaced, wasted, and suppressed.  Faith, trust, confidence, hope, and courage all seem to come from a similar place within each of us.

We will realize the greatest value for faith when it is placed in God because God is benevolent and caring toward us in this confused and sin-compromised world.  

Consider the bare concept of God. 

  • He is not some Superman with great powers.  He has all power!
  • He is not just super smart.  He is the source of all truth and knowledge!
  • He does travel, fly, or worry about time.  He is eternal and present in all creation!
  • He can't be defeated, hurt, or fail.  He is the ultimate winner!
  • He cannot be exhausted or die.  He is infinite in power and resources!

The God of gods, is INFINITE.  Can be have two infinite Gods?  Not possible.  There may be lesser gods, such as Satan ... the fallen Lucifer.  Lucifer thought to usurp the power of God and lost horribly.  There have been men who claimed to be God, but they fell and became little more than a story in history.  Some may worship some universal, mystic powers.  This is the worship of nature, stars, or spirits that were made by God.

The God of the Bible is the God of Creation, the King of kings, the Great Judge over all judges, the Great Intellect above all scholars, and the Greatest power over all who think they are powerful.  History is "His Story", and all men and powers will answer to the God of gods and man.

You cannot have two infinite beings because they would be no longer God but less than infinite as the territory of one prevents the other from ruling all.

Any God with ANY LIMITATIONS is not the infinite God.  They may be demi-gods, hold some power or authority .... for a while.  Satan and his fallen angels, now demons, have power in the earth ... for a while.  Self-proclaimed gods who have risen to power and fame may lead many astray ... for a while.  A witch or magician may convince people that they hold mystic powers that actually draw from demonic sources  ... for a while.  These are pretenders, and not an infinite God.

The God of heaven is infinite in power and eternal.  There is none like Him.  It is a logical and profound truth that there is one God and everything else is temporal, finite in abilities, and stands in defiance of the true God who made us, cares for us, and has provided a path to heaven through His son, Jesus Christ.

We have just one life, one opportunity to determine our future which has an eternal value.  Go with the One True God who is eternal and invites each of us to join Him in heaven.


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