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What will the New Heaven and Earth look like?

No matter how I try to imagine the wonders of the new heaven and earth, I know I can't come close.  I can consider the amazing and diverse beauty in this world, and try to imagine it one hundred fold greater, but that doesn't do it justice.  In my writings, I searched out the amazing, infinite power of God.  Not just power, but His purity, wisdom, and creativity.  I try to understand His infinite unlimited resources in all that I see.  In every case, I run into the limits of human understanding.  This still understated video was great as I know that the best effort of this person's creativity doesn't come close to what God has in store for us.

We are told in plain language, "But, as it is written, 'What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him' – these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God." (1 Cor. 2:9 NRSV).  I do not need to understand it or imagine it with the tarnished lens of human eyes.  It's going to be more than we can imagine or better than our ability to describe.

Do not be hung up on the sterile images of palaces, orchards, or dancing on clouds.  Instead, an infinite God who made such an amazing diversity on the earth and in the universe we are told were only the "finger play" of God.  He has so much more than the universe we know.  An infinite God will not only banish pain, sickness, sorrow, and sin from His realm, which I'm totally enthusiastic about.  He is infinitely creative.  We will never, never feel tired and bored in His new heaven and earth.  Try traveling the earth in your lifetime to see all the amazing things there are to see.  You cannot.  After spending millions to travel and all your life to "See the world"; you will have to live a hundred lives (but you only get one) trying to see it all.

I recall standing atop Goose mountain looking down at Vancouver at night.  It was amazing.  I traveled out west to see great stone spectacles carved out over time.  I have dived in the St. Thomas and Xcarat to see beautiful fish and coral not seen from above.  I have flown over continents to get a 30,000 foot view of all there is below.  I have been in the middle of the Everglade where there were no human sounds to hear.  All this and more are astounding, and God's made all these things and more.

I know that millions will never see what I have seen in Peru, Canada, Columbia, the Caribbean, England, or parts of America.  That doesn't mean they do not exist.  It only means that there are countless beautiful places that million will not see except from the sleep screen showing marvelous images from around the world.

Heaven an stunning reality for believing saints who have died with faith in Jesus Christ.  It will be my reality in due course of time.  I won't need to strain to imagine it.  I'll be there with family members, dear friends, and so many that I've never met.  It will be perfection, but it will never have a dull moment.  If you think that your life is full now, you are like a small fish in a small pond.  You have no idea of the vast expanse of the oceans of the world.  

Just know that there is one way into heaven.  Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  No man comes to the Father except through Me."  Take Jesus into your heart as the savior who paid your sin debt on the cross because He loved you that much.  At that moment of faith transfer, you become the adopted son of God and He invites your not only to His heaven, but into His house, and an eternity of amazing life.

As I age further into my senior years, my world seem to shrink.  I travel less, find more pains, see the decline of society, think more about the real meaning of life.  The curtain of my life will close one day.  Then what?  Whether I believe in hell or not is not the true debate, but will I enter into the marvelous heaven where joy and relationships never end?  

Like it or not, the body is a shell for physical convenience.  The Spirit and Soul of man lives for eternity.  Not for reincarnation to endure more of the trouble of this world, but to enter an eternity with God and enjoy His astounding ability to life life without boundaries, pain, and disappointment.  For those who have accepted Jesus as savior, they will be thankful for every moment in heaven that is provided by a God who loves us and makes life better than we can imagine.


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