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God made the Sugar Ants

God's Amazing CreationsWhile making my morning coffee, I saw a couple of sugar ants on the counter.  What strike me is how incredibly small these insect are.  They're harmless, but still a pest of sort.  How can such a small insect have organs, legs, and even a tiny, tiny brain.  These pesky but harmless, tiny creature are just one of a million wonders that should cause us to wonder about the astounding power of God.

On the other side of my thoughts are elephant and whales.  I believe that these are the kind of things that should cause us to stop and realize the magnitude of God's power.  I recall that God creates, but man discovers.  Everything pre-existed us, so when Columbus discovered America or the first men landed on the moon, they only found what God had made.  

As I teach about the Universal Law of Success and Failure, one of keys is to come to a profound realization of the magnitude and immense resources of God.  While I think about the cost of food, God is feeding every bird, animal, fish, and insect "Free of Charge".  There is no limit on the supply which has been that way since creation.

Our God is a infinite resource that knows no limitation and cannot be exhausted.  Our God does not sleep, does not tire, and has far wisdom beyond the world's best minds.  When we begin to realize that God is truly infinite, you must realize some one poorly-understood truths.

  • There can only be one Infinite Being.  Our minds will struggle with the concept of an infinite being, but this is a fundamental that we should happily embrace because we have an infinite, benevolent resource in life.
  • By default, He is not only the Maker of all things; He is the Ruler over all things
  • As the Creator, He has the ultimate say and full authority to govern.
  • Better yet, He is perfect and holy.  In a corrupted world that seethes with sin, He seeks to provide a better way and has only good for us.

What does this have to do with ants?  They remind me once again that man didn't do this.  God made the ants as what seems to be an ancillary thought.  All that we see in creation were not as important as the creation "made in the image of God".  Though damaged by the fall of Adam and Eve and corrupted by our own wrong actions, each of us humans are the special creation of God that He desires will turn from their old ways to embrace the only true God who cares for them.


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