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The Purpose of the Thorn

Let me first say that this construct of the Biblical application to our lives was taught to me by Tony Evans.  When we are told the Study to show ourselves approved unto God," this meaning the careful alignment of Biblical teachings to gain the Mind of Christ or how faith itself works.  Such piercing understanding of isolated passages require the context surrounding the verse and other passage that add more depth to our understanding.  This mini-study, I assure you, will be a huge help to every Christian who will at times encounter thorns not knowing why and how these hurtful time also serve  purpose. 

Thorn in th Flesh

When it comes to problematic verses, like I Corinthians 12: 7, we need to meditate on these verses while asking the Holy Spirit, our teacher, to open these poorly-understood passage to eventually understand profound truths.  As a believer for over 50 years, I am still learning more about the God who brought us salvation through Jesus Christ.

1- What is a Thorn in the Flesh?  For Paul at this time, most Biblical scholars, believe that the problem was failing eyesight.  Remember that Paul's first encounter on the this theme is found at Acts 9:5.  When Paul asked " Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks."  For the moment, focus on the prick, goad that is a sharp stick use to herd sheep.  The goad is not pleasant buy intended remove a stubborn or wayward sheep to follow the heard to another place where they will find good water and grazing.  The sheep has no idea of why it is getting prodded until it comes to the new area that is better than what went behind.

2- What was the Pauls Thorn in the Flesh?  Remember the blindness of Paul on the Damascus road, although eyesight is a familiar them in Paul's life.  In Galatians 4:15 includes a passage where Paul mentions his Thorn in the Flesh as an "Infirmity in the Flesh" V 13).  Isn't it odd that the people of Galatians where so passionate about Paul's good news message that they would pluck out their own eyes and given them to Paul.  Such was their passion for Jesus Christ and love for Paul.

Before going further, please understand that Paul turned his thorn in the flesh as an object lesson for us.  The thorn in the flesh is any intrusive and unwelcome circumstance that is dropped on us.  Whether disease, hard times, family distress, loss of job, mounting bills, or any types of painful events; we will all have seasons of hurtful circumstance.  This is NOT PUNISHMENT, but the Master prodding us to fresh springs of water and fields of food.

3- Who is the "Messenger of Satan" the brought this hardship upon Paul? This concept will be very hard to understand and embrace.  Paul's thorn in the flesh was delivered by not God, but Satan.  God allowed it but Satan who delivered it.  Compare these parallel passages:

  • The Temptation of Christ by Satan:  "Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.  And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward hungry."  (Matthew 4:1-2)  No mention of a prick.  Just know that Satan is, by permission of God" to bring trouble into your life.
  • Next, consider the story of Job who had great wealth and big family.  Read Job 1:6-11.  God had so far bless Job exceedingly.  When Satan (the (accuser of the brethren Rev 12:10) hears God boast on this faithful man, Satan challenges God that Job would curse God if all he had was taken away.  Note for now that Job was later restore two-fold after the affliction had passed.
  • Also consider that a crown of thorns were placed as a mocking crown, which bookends the curse on Adam and Eve.
  • Who was the the influence behind the talking serpent in the Garden of Eden?  Yes, the serpent was used by Satan to test Adam and Eve.  They failed the text, but God's plan for mankind was not destroyed.  God's plan is unstoppable and always leads us to something better, even if the trouble ends with eternal life in God's heaven.  When God pronounced judgement of Adam and Eve, part of the curse was that the ground would now yield thorns and thistles

3- How do I know if this is a Thorn?  If we follow Paul's experience in II Corinthians 12:7-9.  To be clear, we all have trials, tribulation, and problems.  In this example, Paul pleaded with God three time to take away this thorn.  The torn was not removed but was intended for Paul's ministry and God's glory.  So, we might understand, that all types of problem will have two resolutions: 

  • The problem, threat, or affliction will be healed in a relatively short period or by a miracle via the exercise of our faith in God's provision. Sometime, the problem will last months, years, or until death. 
  • Basically, if you prevail by faith to receive an answer to your prayers, this was a thorn. Otherwise, consider the story of the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years or the Blind man asking for a healing.  They were healed on the spot, so never simple accept your problems as permanent.  We will never know the time or type of answer until it arrives.
  • Paul's blindness was not healed.  He was blind or nearly-blind for the rest of his life.  But, please not give up praying for God's provision.  It took a long time before the sick woman or blind man got their miracle.  Real faith is not desperately tied things, healings, or hard problems.  So, Pray fervently and stay on the path of faith though we do not when and where the Great Shepard will take us, regardless of the timing.

4- The next logical question is "Why does God let bad things happen?"  He does not.  He is holy, good, kind, and forgiving.  It would seem that God uses satan to deliver bad things.  Whereas, God's prefers to reward us.  Remember, we cannot impress God with our good character, good works, or charitable gifts.  I find three examples of how God, even Post-Eden, today to deliver ugly problems.

  • Jesus' Wilderness Temptation:  Matthew 4-11.  In this section we find some interesting details.  Know that Satan, though ultimately condemned to the Lake of Fire, is free to roam the earth.  (I Peter 5:8), He is a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.  He called "The Accuser of the brethren". 
  • God gave Satan permission to afflict job.  Understand that it was God who bless Job before and after his testing, but it was Satan who did the dirty work.  God does not condemn us, punish us, bring retribution.  He is holy and merciful intending to do only good for use.  He is a good father who brings gift to His people.  (Luke 11:11-13)  God not not punish His people (Romans 8:1)

In summary, suffering is common to all mankind, the world is a corrupt kingdom, and we are told that Satan seek to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).  So, there is no shortage by hardships, deprivations, criminal actively, wars, famine, and bad people.  Against all this, we place our trust in God as a good, good father who seeks only to lead us to a better place in life.

Read Next:  God has already Provided the Answer after the Testing

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