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The Simple Salvation Story

As a great fruit tree whose fruit is available to all who pass by, only the ones who reach out and take the fruit will taste of it.  It is solely through the finished work of Jesus who died on a tree that was a cross of wood hewn from a tree.  There is the opportunity to take something valuable from that moment.  

Jesus died on the cross for all whether they placed faith in Him or not.  He left the door open until the last day of our lives.  The question is left open as to who will receive the benefits that Jesus purchased by offering His life.

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

In general, religion is form, but not always substance.  Various forms of religion are much like respect for God without a true relationship with Him.  When we actually receive receive Jesus as our Savior, we are "Born Again" into his family by a confession of faith in Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross to pay our sin debt.  Our first birth made us a part of an earthly family and the blood bond that involved each human within the affairs of those earthly ties.

When we are Born Again in the Second Birth, there is another blood relationship whereby we enter into the family of God.  Jesus was born of flesh by the miracle of Mary's conception and was therefore related to all mankind.  He was our "Kinsman Redeemer" or nearest kin.  He then became the only possible hope of redemption as He was sinless and needed not to atone/pay for His own sins.  But, He willingly gave up that life as a sacrifice for those who one day discover that they struggle with sin without the ability to save themselves.

We cannot save ourselves for we cannot pay God back from our sin-stained status.  Saving ourselves would be as meaningless as trying to rescue oneself while falling off a tall building.  There is no hope unless someone risks their own life to rescue us.

The Bible gave us one option for forgiveness.  "Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin" (Hebrews 9:22)  Temporarily, the blood of bulls and goats covered the sin of repentant people in the Old Testament until the ultimate sacrifice would arrive.

There was no kinsman without sin in the world who could pay the price for us ... except one sinless man, Jesus.  He alone cold rescue us from the fall since He had not fallen into sin.

As a sinless man, His death was not for Himself, but a sacrifice for others that recognized their lost condition caused by sins, great and small.  Jesus died, not as a disgrace through He was treated with disgrace and violence.  He freely gave His life for those who would admit their lost condition in sin choosing to put their trust and faith in Him and His substituted death on our behalf.

"For he hath made himself to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."  II Corinthians 5:21

This grand transaction happens when "We confess with our mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in our heart and that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved."  Romans 10:9-10

This is our first step of faith, and faith is the relationship that God desires (Hebrews 11:6) more than th practice of religious formalities.  Happily, when we enter into this Born Again relationship by that first step of faith, we are made citizens of Heaven, our certain and wondrous home. 

We are born into His spiritual family and made the sons of God who are assured that God guarantees a place for us when this life is over (John 14:2)  No one who is not in the family, or still in their sins, and hasn't been Born Again and will not enter God's heaven.

But remember that everyone is welcome to come to the tree that offers salvation, though sadly, not all choose to believe or accept His offer.  (Acts 4:12)  All are invited to receive Jesus Christ as savior.  "For God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."  II Peter 3:9

The work or price for redemption has already been paid when Jesus made His sacrifice for each of us on the cross.  Now anyone can be accepted into God's family and know that heaven is their certain future.  This happens in a moment.  A person enters into a decision or covenant with God and His offer is salvation happens by a commitment of faith in Jesus Christ as savior.

A contract or covenant happens when two people agrees to the terms of the relationship.  Regardless pf forms or the nature of the deal, a multi-million dollar deal, a marriage vow, or a treaty happens when an offer is made by one and that offer is accepted by another.

God has made the offer by sending His only son to make the payment for this contract by dying on the cross.  It only remains whether each of us will accept Jesus Christ as their payment for sins and receive eternal life in heaven with millions who now rejoice in heaven.

The great tree took the form of a cross.  Jesus paid the price and the work is now finished.  We cannot earn salvation via our sin-stained best efforts.  We never could.  The price has been paid in full on the cross, and the invitation stands free to all who will accept the work of Christ as their payment for forgiveness of sin.

By a decision of faith in Jesus Christ, forgiveness is applied and a new life is installed.


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