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Any Wicked Way in my Heart

For those new to The Principal Truth Institute (, you may not be fully aware that the Heart of the Inner Man has two functions.  This is more than interesting information.  As the physical heart of the Outer Man has a critical function, the Heart of the Inner Man has a critical function as well.  

Verses for the Treasury of the Heart are:  Matt 6:21; Luke 6:25; Matthew 6:21, and my favorite Proverbs 4:23

The Treasury of the Heart is more commonly referred to as our Belief System.  This treasury holds the thousand upon thousands of things we we believe.  These are small, medium, and major beliefs.  These are also not all 100% true or correct.  Just think of the many, many times you have "Changed your mind".  Well, the Mind is part of the Inner Man, the Heart is where change happens in more immediate terms.

The Heart is all about truth even though the Heart can be deceived if it has not standard for comparison, like the Bible. (Proverbs 3:5-6)  So, the task we are given is to "Clean Up our Act" by casting out "Bad and Worthless Beliefs" and adding into the Belief System Worthy and Faithful beliefs.  

We change our beliefs quite often.  A man will say, "I used to be a Ford man, now I only buy Chevy".  Another will say, "I used like the food at KFC, but now I decided that I like Popeyes better."  This happens constantly but frankly less and less as we age.  We settle into what we believe as a kind of hardening.  So, please get things going while you are young.

God is absolute truth, even when we cannot understand His ways or thoughts.  (Isaiah 55:9-11)  God's Word is the standard (canon) for all we might try to understand.  (II Timothy 2:15, John 17:17)  Frankly, where else can we find truth that is provided for our betterment?  Science, education, and the school of hard knock is a survival camp where sheer courage, intellect, and talent create a world of competition where rules and truth can be bent, manipulated, and cheaters may prosper.  This is not how to build your life on a firm foundation.

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me,  And lead me in the way everlasting."  Psalms 139-23-24

Consider getting "The Healing of the Heart" book from The Principal Truth website.  This will be an education that starts you on a journey of true self-improvement.  

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