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The Other Books not in the Bible

Having read the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jasher, the Wisdom of Solomon, the Maccabees; it is reasonable to ask why aren't these books also in the Bible?  Why these non-canonical books ignored?  The answer is fairly simple.  Books of history have value for history sake.  They are third-party testaments to the truth found in other books .. and even the Bible.  The fact is that the Bible mentions the book of Jasher twice in two books of the Bible is incredibly helpful.  Each service as contemporaneous testimonies of the other record in the same period of history.  In fact, there are a great many historic testaments or books that are still available, some are lost, and some have been books of creative fiction.

Take note that in Israel the Scriptures in Old Testament time were called "The Revelation of Moses", and therein lies an very important attribute.  People have written books and kept records from the earliest of time.  Some share wisdom, some tell stories, some record history, and some are pure fiction.  The Epic of Gilgamesh would be at the same value as The Odyssey or Media written by Euripides.  Notable books of history and story telling, but do not convey the message of God other than mentions of various gods.

By the way, how did Moses accurately detail creation, Eden, Adam and Even, the history of the partriarchs, Cain's descendants, or the Great Flood?  He wasn't there!  The Bible has consistently claimed to be given by revelation ( Timothy 3:16-17 and II Peter 2:21).  Men did not author the Bible independently, they were MOVED by the Holy Spirit to write what God intended.  Early Jewish scholars followed by Christian councils took great pain to determine which books, gospels, and letters to include in the books that were accurate, non-contradicting, and truly inspired of God.  The word "canon" of Scripture means these books were from true authors who were lead by God in their writing.  Canon means "Reliable Standard", and the process wasn't simple.  Nonetheless, we now have a Bible that includes the books and letters that were deemed in the earliest scholars to be God's word. 

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