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The Renewing of the Mind

The Renewing of the Mind

The Mind is one of the three major systems of the Inner Man.  The Mind is different from the other two as we find no faculties that can be identified, but there are analogies.  The best analogy is that of a field.  In one example, this is a field of war where enemies are encountered.  Other examples are the fields fields that were sown with good seed and an enemy comes in secret to sow tares (bad seed).  In both examples, the Bible shows us that all the good that we INTENDED or HOPED to accomplish in life will encounter adversity.

In Romans 12:1-2 and other places in Scripture we learn more about this process.  It is in the Mind that we will battle, not with flesh and blood, but war a spiritual battle to determine who will conquer the fields that we have planted.  While the Heart is developing a true and faithful Belief System, and the Soul is lead by the Spirit for our day-to-day practices of our beliefs.  The Mind is where we find a war of all that we stand for. 

Following the example of the Sower, he planted good seed meaning God's Truth.  This is about maturity and commitment to the truths that we want to happen in our live.  Think of renewing of the Mind as a harvest to get the big picture.  The Soul is the R&D side of you where we are lead by the Spirit to practice what we believe in our Heart.  This is "Life in Real Time" or how we function in the day-to-day world of life.  

The Mind is not day-to-day, but looks to make one's life better year-after-year.  We associated wisdom and stability with the Mind.  So, think of the Mind as seasonal commitment to the "Best Practices" of our lives.  It would be similar to the Japanese word "Kaisan" (改善, "improvement") which basically means constantly improving by eliminating waste and error and installing better practices at any and all levels.  

The Mind produces a harvest every year.  Like any farmer, we want to increase the yield year after year.  Who doesn't want to improve their lives, but this will not happen automatically.  While the Heart is building a truth-based Belief System and the Soul is learning how to "Walk in the Spirit" by practicing what we belief under the power of the Spirit, The Mind is working at INCREASING to quality of our lives by planting the good seed with the expectation that our harvests will ever increase the quality and success ratio of our lives.  

Just know that the Devil is our enemy and prefers we all live among thorns and weeds.  Why?  He hates God and attacks us to weaken the foundations of God's kingdom in hopes that we will fail, desert God, and surrender to his rule.  Isn't that how Satan attacked Job?  Job was faithful to God in every way.  Satan dared God to let him test Job with adversity, which God allowed ... but for a season.  Satan hit Job with more than family and possessions tragedies.  He sent three sorry, misguided friends to beat him up daily with accusations.  Job discounted all this adversity willing to trust God to the grave.  Then God restored Job to double of all he had lost.  

Listen!  The adversity was not just physical.  It was mental and a mind game as these so-called friends tore him to pieces as a person.  In their holy talk, they misrepresented God is many ways to make Job repent for wrongs he had not committed.  This was a battle of the mind.  Their words were the tares (bad seed) of Satan who was orchestrating this awful onslaught against a God-faithful man.  Frankly, all Job had to hold only was his beliefs and years of experience with God.

I teach more about the Inner Man and success in life in The Principal Truth Institute online website.

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