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Cultivating the Unruly Mind

The Mind of the Inner Man

The mind is one of three major systems of the Inner Man.  The Heart, Mind, and Soul are the real you apart from the physical you or the Outer Man.  Of the three systems, the Mind is literally who we eventually become in life.  The Bible tells us that "As a man thinks, so he is." Proverbs 23:7  

The person you were a a child, adolescent, teenager, or young man, is the person you are today.  You matured, but what is maturity?

The good and bad news, is that we grow into our adult and later life over a long period of time.  While a child, we are malleable and eager to learn how to how to live happily in life.  No one judges the quality or success of your life by your behavior at the ages of 6, 12, or 18.  They may see the potential or liabilities in you, but the kind of person you will become is literally yours to explore.

In The Principal Truth series, we see the mind as an unplanted field in your youth that we manage as we mature.  When one lives without good training, unbridled behavior, and consumptive impulses; that empty field becomes a field of weeds, noxious plants, and gnarled trees.  Bad seeds create a ugly wilderness that we later regret.  Conversely, those who plant good seeds in their Mind, will harvest of ever improving volume of the good things of life.

The Inner Man is about RELATIONSHIPS where the outer man is driven by needs, wants, and hungers.  The brain is for academics and societal issues.  The MIND is fully aware of the needs and operations of the Outer Man, but is able to manage our wants and desires as we build relationships.  

As you will learn, the Heart of the Inner man, collects information, rejects information that is deemed false, and builds a Belief System based on the R&D experiences of the Soul, and the evaluations of the Mind.  These three systems work seamlessly and serve us well if the Belief System is built on truth.  Oh, but truth is not easy to find in a sin-compromised world.  All through life, we are told or learn many things that are false, misleading, partially true, and often gratuitous.  Truth is like gold or diamonds.  You have dig through a lot of useless dirt to find it.

In The Principal Truth Series, I hope to provide any and all to go through a journey of how to adorn your life with the gold of truth, build a much better Belief System and cultivate a Mind that produces an ever-improving life.  This cannot be accomplished by book-learning, academics, or listening to success gurus.

I offer this course without charge asking only that each person commit to truth, The Principal Truth.  Frankly, I think it would be better to charge $1000 for this training because people who make a full commitment will actually stick to the program.  To start this course, you will need a password to reach the training pages, which I will provide when you register.  Everything that you will ever become, start with what you do NOW.


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