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God's Open and Shut Policy

God's Open Door Policy

Recently, a business friend and I were working on a project when we came across a piece of property to buy at an excellent price.  After making an initial call, we went to see the property and explore the offer.  His price was fair and he seemed negotiable.  This seemed like a favorable decision, and determined to pursue the deal.

The next day, we received a call from the owner.  He was anxious to sell the property and suggested an even lower price, which we accepted as a good deal.  Then, we went through four days of radio silence.  Strange indeed. 

After making several follow up calls, we found out the wife of the man had taken a deposit on the property.  She was in another city when she took the offer, and the man didn't know that she had disrupted the verbal agreement that we had made.  Very disappointing.  I wondered, should we come in at a higher price to dislodge the early deal.  Such is the nature of business.

But, we prayed about it and realized that we could possibly use our tools to win the deal, but that began to feel like Saul's armor on David, who later defeated Goliath with a sling and a stone.  So, we determined that it is God who opens doors and shuts them.  Whether it is a test of our character or merely a bump in the road to success, we were not going to outdo God by stepping into the process further.

At this moment, I have no idea if the deal will turn our way or not.  It doesn't matter!  Following the Four Core Beliefs, I teach to everyone seeking success in life, I believe that (1) He is God Almighty, (2) He is a Rewarder of those who seek him, or He has the Grand Plan, (Heb 11:6), (3) His plan will always and eventually resolve the issue "For the Good," (Rom 8:28, James 1:17) and (4) I stand in faith with Him whatever the situation.

I do not count myself as a grand faith warrior, but I've tried it my way too many times with mixed or bad results.  I've failed too many times in the past.  Looking back, I saw that I translated what God wanted to do in my life into what I wanted in my life.  My way seems like the best way, but is riddled with troubles, failures, and eventual recriminations about my decisions.

So, while working smart and using my best resources, I realize that I am not the master of my fate.  I am the steward of God's gracious provisions.

I read Matthew 25:14-30 with new eyes.  These are business opportunities to do something with what we are given. He is in charge, and my duty is to do what is both SMART and under His AUTHORITY.  Even if the path seems not as I would have chosen, isn't that the understanding of the model prayer taught by Jesus, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"?

Will this deal go my way or not?  I purpose in my heart, not to care about my will, but His Grand Plan for me because I like the results of His Gran Plan better than the results that have come from my plans.  Invest your faith in God's Grand Plan, and He will invest in you.

There are times when God's takes the measure of a real, core faith in His leadership and authority.  Why even put that option in front of us if it wasn't meant to be.  I tend to believe that God put problems, opportunities, and choices in front of us to determine the sincerity of our trust in Him.  They are meant to be malicious and cause us to fail.  They are literally stepping stone or maybe preparation for a greater opportunity.

The life of faith must, by necessity, have tests.  He has made us participants with Himself by not merely handing things to us like the three servants in Matthew 25.  He wants us to use our gifts and talents know that he is quite interested in how we will perform on our side of the equation.

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