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A Fantastic Understanding of Success in Life

The Story of AdamThe Story of Adam will soon be released.  This is one of the most amazing adventures of my life as I spent years researching and trying to understand the pre-flood world.  Genesis is a fast-moving book that spans many centuries in 50 chapters.  I could only cover the firsts ten chapters in this book.  The era of Noah is the next in this series, followed by the history of Abraham and the days of Moses and David.  

There is so much history and fast-pace insights that we all should stop and just look around.  The pre-flood world was a time of explosive population growth, warring tribe, and the macro-vision of a war that began a very long time before the Garden of Eden was established with Adam and Eve.  

Did you know that lived 930 years and was the original patriarch who established a patriarchs (preachers) who carried the message of God throughout the know world?  This happened at a parallel time when Cain's descendants established great hostile tribal communities and cities that would have nothing to do with God.

The contest of the earliest families was an amazing period wherein we only have scraps and ancient stories that parallel and add strange accounts of mystic powers, strange beasts, and even giants.  I find that there remains many questions to this day about this amazing era that ended with the great flood of Noah.

The Universal Law of SuccessWhether secular or sacred, every book, seminar, sermon, or consultant eventually asks us to "Look Inside" to find the strength and the path of success in life.  This is not a remake of "Think and Get Rich" or an approach to success in life that makes a world of sense to those who read it.  We all want to be successful, but the success happens in many areas of life.  

Regardless of your goals in life, there are some built-in resources that are available to us.

This book is not a "Success Book" designed to promote a wealth agenda.  I present a foundational concept that is so true and obvious that no one can miss the core principle.  It doesn't matter if you believe in God or not because these principles have been set in place since the very beginning and they do not change.

A universal law is not man-made not controlled by any one person or group.  It is as self-evident as light overcoming darkness.  It is a law because it is an established law.  It cannot be debated but it can be ignored at our own risk.

  • What law governs your true success in life?
  • How does a universal law work?
  • Can I actually make use of this universal law?
  • Will this law change my life for the better?

The answers to these questions are in the book and they are life changing.  You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain using a system guaranteed not to fail.

The Principal Truth Institute

Success in LifeIf you want to begin a journey of self-improvement, it should start and end with the knowledge of God and how God made us.  There are some amazing truths in the Bible that have not been organized in a study book with pictures and stages of understanding.  However, there is a fantastic amount of information about who we are, how we were made as both physical and spiritual beings.  This includes some clearly understood teaching on how our spiritual side functions to enable us to actually understand the steps that will improve our lives.

  • The Inner Man is the Real You
  • The ability to Believe as the Starting point
  • How we can eliminate error and adopt truth as our Belief System
  • The concept is the greatest self-improvement program ... ever
  • There is nothing that can prevent your success

The basics of transforming any life are simple to follow, but they may take us deep into the nature of man, the concepts of truth, knowledge, and wisdom, and frankly open the doors to success in any area of life.

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